JAN 23, 2024
Inflammation is The Root of Ill Health
Inflammation is categorized as short-term (acute) inflammation and long-term (chronic) inflammation. Is all inflammation bad?
Acute inflammation is the body in a protective state attempting to attack what is irritating or causing injury and begin the healing process.
Chronic inflammation is what leads to inflammatory disorders and chronic diseases. Are you aware that 70% of all deaths in the US are due to chronic diseases? The bad news is that’s most of our country! The good news is it can be reversed naturally.
What chronic diseases are rooted in inflammation?
Are you struggling with any of these health problems?
It can seem overwhelming because these conditions group together. If you have type 2 diabetes, you most likely have fatty liver, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and digestive issues. Over time, this can push you to neurological diseases due to the gut-brain connection.
You may think, “Whew! I don’t have diabetes! But, I have high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and as I age my joints hurt.”
Chronic inflammation is your body screaming that it needs help. The human body wants to feel healthy and will try to get to a healthy state. It needs your help.
When you’re overwhelmed you may think adding more medication is the answer to counteract each dis-ease you struggle with. In the short term, you may find some relief.
Making your health the priority and learning what will bring you back to feeling great, and taking action can make life fun again. The earlier you start, the earlier you get your health back.
As we say, “Why guess, when you can know?” The right testing gives you the information to help create your wellness plan. We can start with the following lab tests:
Obtaining information that guides you to reduce and eliminate inflammation with coaching and guidance puts you in the path to recovery!
I realized my knee pain was nearly gone! We improved it without medication.
Bill, A happy Client!